Friday, October 26, 2007

Who do you say God is

Working for a larger Christian ministry I hear statistics thrown around at an amazing pace. Things like when children decide to put their faith on the shelves (middle school?!) to the reasons people give for walking away from their faith. One that continually befuddles me is the fact that a large majority say that they believe in God.

What I want to know is who these people think that God is.

In Joshua, the Old Testament prophet talks a lot about serving God, and serving gods. The way it's described it is almost like you're looking at modern day America.

If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after he has been good to you. Joshua 24:20
God has been good to us, our country is one of the most profitable nations in the world, and at the rate we're going and leaving our morals, and wiping them under the rug, I'm afraid we're going to be seeing the disaster and end of us quicker than we think. The upheavals and turmoil that we are seeing within our own nation today is just the birthing pains of what is to come.

Unfortunately we have a president who Christians praised, but now claims that there is more than one right way to salvation. Whether being PC or not, who is he saying God is? You walk down the street and ask someone who God is and you'll get hundreds of responses. He's Allah, he's buddah, he's the God you put on your shelf and ask requests of, he's the one you blame for everything bad in your life, or he's the one you give credit for when everything goes right, he's the genie in the bottle for all your wishes, he's the dusty bible on your shelf that you only bring out on holidays, he's an after thought, he's distant and just watching things play out, he never existed to begin with, he's just there so we have something to hope in.

But you have forsaken me and served other gods, so I will no longer save you. Judges 10:13

Do you want God to say welcome into my presence good and faithful servant, or depart from me I never knew you?

Who do you say God is? Is he your savior, is he real to you?
Or are you putting him on your shelf until it's convenient for you?

Do you believe in a God, or do you believe IN God.

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