Secondly I've got some great friends to hang with...even if one of them feels like her head is going to fall off.
Now on to Sharron's Rose
You see...tonight we sat at Starbucks for who knows how long and talked, about God, life, friends, friends almost cutting their foot off (yes Nelson), love, in respect to people finding it.
It was getting late, probably 9ish and people have been going in and out of starbucks ordering drinks, sitting and talking. We outlasted most of them, but one stuck out in particular. I watched this guy walk up and sit down without even going into the bux to order a drink.
While this was unusual enough, he had a rose in his hand.
So he sat there for a while, and because he was in earshot, I texted Erika to see if she noticed the awkwardness of the situation. I figured...well this would be the last time he shows up early for a date. (first thing...who meets the date somewhere, secondly why starbucks). Eventually we figured this poor guy must have been meeting someone from a site.
Hi I'm Eric,Why oh why in our culture is this a good idea...blind dates pale in comparison to this because at least your friend has gotten a good look at your date before he/she set you up.
Meet me at Starbucks on Union Center at 9pm. I'll have a rose and a pack of ciggarettes. (well...I'm sure he didn't mention the later) I'll be waiting for you there.
After a while longer he got up and left.
Now before you all go soon as I was sure he drove off Erika and I busted out laughing. Seriously...apparently there is something wrong with us. I guess his perdicament was kinda freaking hilarious. If I told you to meet me at a starbucks over an email and to look for me carying a rose or some other missplaced sense of romanticism would you show up?
I mean with all of the people there it is entirely possible that his potential date showed up either by herself (or hisself, Erika pointed out that he crossed his legs like a woman) or with a friend, tested the waters went in purchased a coffee and left (or maybe even sat and watched the poor guy).
He had a large look of dissappointment on his face.
Rachel got upset that we laughed after we let her on to the goings on...which is why we didn't include her in the first place. She told me to have the love of Jesus.
Since when didn't Jesus get a kick out of stuff? Seriously, at this point I'm pretty sure that if a book of the Bible was being written it would be said:
Jesus Laughed
I would too if I were God and saw all of our self important triumphs and losses...but maybe thats why I'm not God? Oh well...I like to think God laughs with me when stupid stuff happens
So that is my story of Sharron's rose...or pottentially Sharrod's rose (if he were black and gay).
1 comment:
Sorry dude, but Rachel was right. What you did was sinful and unloving. I'm sure it was amusing, but it was amusing due to our sin-nature, and not the love and forgiveness of God. Seeing someone you believe in pain (disappointed) you chose to make fun of him rather than share the Gospel with him? He may have been gay as you point out, he may have had his heart broken... and you didn't show God's love?
don't get me wrong. I'm not positive I would've. But I also wouldn't have made the claim that it was ok not to. Yes, God has a sense of humor, but its not one that I've seen (Biblically) to be grounded in the pain of his children.
Thats my 2 cents.
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