This week I started training again at Bravo's Italian Cucina (kitchen).
I walked in friday and was hired saturday. (no I didn't stay over night and camp out till they hired me).
Sunday morning Eric got the bright idea of tearing out the entire FOH console area and rebuilding it. (since we were going to do the install of a new board anyway)
So for the past 3 days I have spent A TON of time at church ripping out, running cable, planning, figuring out logistics of placement, getting supplies and arguing over the best way to do it.
Oh there has been a lot of prayer, that we're ready for a crash run through tomorrow afternoon for our wednesday night service.
I'm updating the graphic for the sermon series tonight.
I start doing follows on thursday for work.
Oh and tomorrow morning I have a second phone interview with Sugar Creek Baptist in Sugarland, Texas.
Busy Busy Busy.
In between training/following at Bravo's I'm going to be finishing up the install of the FOH system and hoping that it all works completely for Sunday morning.
For some reason every time I see a car with Obama '08 on it I am seeing a repetitive trend...they're black, same with tacky yard signs. Today I saw a car that had used window paint to paint OBAMA '08 on the rear windshield. Sure enough he was black. I didn't think his platform was ethnicity but it sure has turned into that. Every black person is proud to have someone of their own skin color running for the big man upstairs.
My thing is...the differences stop with the fact that he has more melanin...they fail to notice that he doesn't talk like he walked out of the fact he talks like your average whitey. So the next time you go to buy a car pennant that proudly beats your candidate choice into the side of your motor vehicle remember...check out the platform, background and dedication. The person you vote for is more than skin deep.
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