Friday, February 20, 2009

in my life be lifted high

I'm sitting here and listening to a worship rehearsal go on and I'm listening to this chorus' lyrics. 

In my life be lifted high
In my world be lifted high
In my love be lifted high

Is God being lifted high in my life right now? 
I would say in some areas yes, but the harsh reality is there are more areas that I would have to answer no to that question. 

It's not that there is something in particular wrong. I haven't taken a nose dive. I haven't run off the road.  I haven't been an unspeakable horrible person. 

More like a low tire. Maybe the crash after a caffeine high. 

Something feels a little lopsided, A little sluggish. 

I think that at this point as I just take a second to step back and evaluate. I am not putting my life in light of who HE is. How great God is. How he provides for me at every turn. How undeserving I truly am of his mercy and grace. 

Last night in Bible study we talked about salvation, about sin entering the world and separating us from God and it began to make me think how unworthy I am of that grace. I am certain that on a day to day basis I do things that grieve the spirit of God. I am a selfish, lustful, prideful, harsh, bigoted creature. The simple fact that I am living is a testament to God's mercy and grace because if it were up to myself I should be struck down where I stand. 

Christ 2,000 years ago took on flesh. Gave up the comfort of being God and subjected himself to pain, hunger, temptation, disappointment, loneliness, and ridicule. He was beaten, spit upon, abused. He had his flesh ripped from his body, beard plucked from his face and hair torn out of his head. He was hung from a cross and had every bone popped out of socket. That was nothing in comparison when every sin that had been committed and would be committed suddenly was placed on Christ, the sacrifice once and for all. Then because God who his all holy, all righteous and all just and cannot be a part of sin turned his back on His Son. 

Jesus died, once and for all as the final sacrifice for mine and your (insert sin here). He was put in the grave but it didn't stop there. He resurrected and ascended to Heaven. Giving us the hope for a future with Christ and also claiming victory over death and the grave that had been introduced by the original sin of Adam. We weren't made for death. We were not made for separation from Christ. Jesus' sacrifice fixed that. There is a simple answer for that hole that everyone longs to fill, and thank goodness it's nothing you or I can do. 

So another question is... Why don't you or I live like we're saved? 

It's one thing to sing 'in my life be lifted high' and it's another thing to live like it. 
It isn't easy. I struggle every day. I know you do too. You will until that day when you are with God and in your glorified body. The people that say once you're a Christian you will never have another problem, temptation or struggle is a liar, and you know where liars go. (just kidding... kind of)

My current prayer:
PS. 51:12 (ESV) Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.

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