2008 in a nutshell(semi-sequencial order):
- Work at Answers in Genesis
- Get entirely to frustrated while working there and want to quit.
- Set a date and when no job came got out regardless.
- Trusted God would put me where he wanted me.
- Worked for two months in a restaurant.
- Interviewed and landed a job placing me in Sugar Land, Texas.
- Saw God move in that he wanted me in Texas.
- Happily worked the past few months at said job.
- Met some great people.
2008 had its ups and downs but I'm happy with the way it turned out. It was rough on a lot of people and I praise God that even though things aren't exactly as planned he is still sovereign and he is still in control.
I left a lot of good friends in Ohio who shaped my life for the good. God put me in the midst of more people who are going to initiate even more life change. I am extremely thankful for that and look forward to working hard this coming year and forming even more relationships with the people I have met, and have yet to meet.
One thing I do wish is that I would have seen my brother stop throwing his life away. He has a beautiful baby girl with his girlfriend, and unfortunately it's almost like they got a new puppy that mom and dad will take care of when the excitement wears off. If you pray, I ask you do so for him.
Something that I want to see in 2009 is that Christ uses me for His glory and significance. I want to grow in him, and I want to force myself out of my comfort zone and do something big. I don't know what that will be. I'm sure God will be all over that one though!
Oh yeah, I want to bungee jump, sky dive and take some trips this year too. Anyone want to give me a few grand to make those happen?
Wow. Your brother saddens me. Really. I'm sorry. :(
You know it is funny you mentioned your brother. I saw some pictures of him and his girlfriend on your facebook back around christmas and I had this strong need to pray for the two of them. They just seemed really young, especially mom. But I have to tell you it is amazing what God has implanted in a woman, that when they have a baby, they can change 100%. I have seen 17 year old girls, turn into women overnight and step up to what they need to be. Don't give up home on either of them. They will be in my prayers. ALSO: Glad that God dropped you off in SL.
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