I'd say the fight lasted for an hour, The boyfriend kicking his girl out. She was screaming and pounding on the door (it felt like she was pounding on my door it was so loud). She wanted her dog back and her cell phone. He said it's his name on the lease and he didn't have to give anything back. So this went back and forth outside my door, and up and down the stairs multiple times. Thankfully about midnight they hung it up for the night and she left.
So that was one of the more interesting happenings...white trash lives on, I guess it's more of a culture that flocks to the apt. style living rather than a specific area of a state.
I've also been fighting with Verizon to get internet hooked up to my place. Finally Monday I achieved success! It took two calls and someone coming out to my complex to do who knows what to get it connected but it happened. I had gotten a phone call last week telling me that they hooked it up but they lied. I then tried to call them on Saturday (because who has time during the week during normal business hours to call about a tech issue) and the 24/7 tech support isn't so 24/7...it's actually monday - friday 8-6...anoying. That's over now, I can now play online games and stream tv shows from hulu and catch up on what I've missed.
boy...games and tv shows...I need a girlfriend.
I feel like I had some more disturbing life information...but I can't remember what it is. I'm still waiting for insurance cards and my permanent gym card.
The bank that I started a checking account in got robbed the other day too...thankfully beacuse a branch gets robbed doesn't mean your money goes bye bye...I'd be pissed.
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