Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You know what they say about assuming.

Assumption - 2. The act of taking for granted, or supposing a thing without proof; supposition; unwarrantable claim.

Inference - The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence.

I'm going to make some general assumptions and or inferences, and these may be offensive or racist but they are assumptions most people make.

Asians are incredibly smart.
White people are rednecks and are prone to alcoholism (and psychotic break downs)
Black people are ghetto.
Indians either have dots or feathers.
Hispanics like tacos.
People from the south talk with a drawl and say y'all.
People from the north talk fast.
If you live in New York you're probably Jewish.
If you live on the west coast you're either a hippy or you're gay.
If you live in Florida more than likely you're a retiree.
European's do not necessarily have good hygiene.
If you're a teenager you're either sexually active or on drugs.
American's are pretentious.
Famous people are crazy.
Religious people are crazy.
America is a Christian Nation.

Don't worry I'm getting somewhere with this.

I was on the elliptical last night at the gym and saw several TV shows on that were crime scene shows. The first assumption/inference that I made was that Crime Scene shows are popular. Think about how many there are, and I'm not even going to google this I'm just going to name them off the top of my head. CSI, CSI New York, CSI Miami, Law and Order, Law and Order:SVU, Law and Order: CI, Bones, Criminal Minds, Ghost Whisperer (yes this is a crime show), NCIS. Ok I think you get the point, there are more. Americans are obsessed with crime shows. Or are we?

I began to seriously think about this and made another assumption/inference. If we're obsessed with crime shows we must be obsessed with finding answers. If we're obsessed with finding answers then we must be asking questions. Then it hit me. The reason we watch TV is because these shows are asking the same questions we're asking. That is why they're so successful.

TV shows dont' tell stories as much as they ask questions that are in tune with the general population.

What happens to people when they die? Is there retribution? How can we know we're doing the right thing? If there is a God why are all of these bad things happening?

Getting out of the crime shows you begin to look at other popular shows.
Lost - poignently asks the question is there life after death?
Heros - asks whether there is more meaning to this life than just to live it?
24 - asks whether or not there is an absolute moral system?
American Idol - asks if there is more to this life.
The Bachelor/ette - asks if there is someone out there who can fufill them.

These questions seem fairly spiritual in nature no?

I'm just going to make an assumption right now but I'm going to assume that we were created to ask these questions.

So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. - Genesis 1:27

Behold, God is great, and we know Him not! The number of His years is unsearchable. - Job 36:26

That all the earth’s people may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other. - 1 Kings 8:60

We were created by God in God's image, if we are in the image and likeness of God, then it is safe to assume we are created to know him. Unfortunately we don't know him (sin entered the world and cut that off). It is not that we can not know him though, we have the ability to know God, know what He is about, we just have to look for him...or ask questions.

Now how do we apply this?

Everybody's got their ten cents on this one, here is mine.

As a church we're supposed to be available with the answers to these questions. Now the bible doesn't explicitly teach on each of these questions, but it gives us a pair of glasses with which to interperate facts. Take science for instance. No the bible isn't a science text book, but it gives a form and structure with which to interperate science. Otherwise, left up with our own devices we come up with self-centric solutions that make us god. Unfortunately a lot of churches are not equiped in general to offer answers to most questions that are raised in society today. Instead we think we have to go cram our own personal "bible" (interpretations) down people's throat. Jesus told it how it was when people raised questions, but didn't cram it on people who didn't want it. I think that is part of Jesus' attractiveness. Oh and what he did cram the bible down was the actual church...because they weren't getting it right...sound familiar?

Personally I think we need to dive in and start answering the questions we have our selves so that we in turn can answer others like minded questions. Making our faith our own.

Professionally I'm going to turn this more on the Christian productions that happen because of the crap that comes out of 'hollywood' under the guise of Christian media. Right now we produce media (not all but as a whole) that are answers. The media doesn't pose questions so much as force "answers" on people. The truth of God is as foolishness to those who don't beleive so why start with the assumption that they believe, then you are only trying to reach believers. Maybe instead of trying to produce "Christian media choc full of the 12 essential rules, regulations and answers that everyone needs to fufill their lives" we should start producing media that identifies with the deepest questions and yearnings that every person has.

Why do you think Touched By an Angel ever made it through and lasted. It dealt with the question of Life after Death. Yeah it was cheesey, was not necesarily a protestant view either (Neither was the Passion of the Christ and yet Christians claim that one as a banner). The Passion of the Christ didn't deal directly and identifiably with the diety and authority of Christ. It just showed the brutality of the Roman's toward a man (he died, it showed his humanity, the imagry around the satan and hell was honestly a big vague, and i appologize if it did deal directly but from what stuck with me was more the brutality from that movie, not Christ's diety). Christians understood it to be the reason behind our salvation, but an unsaved person could see it as just another gory history lesson, but it lead to questions. I think that is why it was so effective.

It allowed an open door for questions.
What are you doing in your ministry to allow for questions and dialogue with the community?

Let's get away from the assumption/inference that this is a Christian nation and that everyone knows at least informally about Christ or 'religion'. That was true in 1950. That is not so much true any more. Walk down the street, ask someone who God is....there are hundreds of definitions you will get and most won't be the God of the Bible. Who was Jesus? You're going to get a few odd looks on that one.

Instead let's assume that everyone has questions (and that is a VERY safe assumption).

What are you going to do about it?

Friday, March 20, 2009

what I'm listening to these days.

This is a pointless blog where I tell you about music I've bought lately. Why? Because I can and because I want to. Descriptions will be brief.

Mayday Parade (self titled) - Suggested by Heather
Great CD. Catchy, poppy, fun to listen to.

The Fray (self titled)
Similar to their last album, although their cd layout is different, goes from fast to slow, but the fast isn't all that fast and the slow is down right melancholy. By the end of the cd you're left on a downer and wonder where your razor blades but serioiusly. It's good, but not as good as the last. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Lonely Road
This is a guilty pleasure CD, I loved the last and I like this one. I'm a sucker for that pop punk sound (insert missing Blink comment here and glad they're "back together") Holman -I'm EP
I'm biased towards this guy, but that's because I know him personally. He's got a great voice, and huge musical talent. Cult - Feel Good Ghosts
This is one of those odd epic trippy albums, some great instrumental parts. The vocals are unique. Not bad though, just unique. Faint - Fasciinatiion
A good electronic album if I ever heard one. Just something to groove and get you going. It definitely moves you creatively .*SG5AaPPQdgYfa4lVy9JV6IfIBjZPrKGB/TheTingTingsWeStartedNothing.jpgThe Ting Tings - We Started Nothing
Yeah this purchase was influenced by the Apple Ipod Shuffle commercial...and I don't care I'm happy with this purchase. Once again a great up tempo electronic quirky album. I dont care for all of the songs, but I did find my self singing along with most of them...yeah Needham - Not Without Love
This guy is the Christian Gavin DeGraw/John Mayer. His lyrics are cleaver and he's easy to listen too. Not a rock out CD, or a worship CD but its great music, and it's pretty deep too. Parks On Fire (self-titled)
Great chill rock music to take with you on a long drive. Math - Spotlight (EP)
I kept telling myself I would not buy this because I was not impressed with one of their live late night preformances. I like it...oh well. so much for that idea. Thankfully this EP doesn't sound like they've sold out, I don't know what their live stuff is like now though.

Some other random crap i picked up was Pinball by Akira Kiteshil, a great little electronica ambeint piece. and Pop Ambient 2009 (Varioius Artist CD) makes for some great background music as you're working.

So there you have it folks, that is what I'm listening too.

Straight from the AudioJunky

Monday, March 16, 2009

this one may be low on my top ten

But this past Sunday night I had another worship experience that makes it on my top ten most awkward moments in a church.

I went to The Woodlands Church where Jimmy Needham usually leads worship. This was spring break weekend...Jimmy Needham was not there.

Instead there was this band. I will say this much, they were all talented musicians. Now moving beyond that they looked like a lumberjack, a hot chick, someone from a hardcore band and some dude from the chess team merged to form this band. Looks you can get around. There were no familiar worship songs were played, all of their own stuff. The opening lyrics were something like, "Rip open my chest and stand inside, burst open my veins and blood run down". Something odd like that. Almost everyone of the songs went like that.

So then comes the question. If the band was engaged in authentic worship and this verse is true why not worship anyway?

John4. 23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.

I must say it was distracting, not only because the lyrics were just odd, and it was hard to understand what they were singing when they sang. It was also distracting because it seemed more like a "worship CONCERT" than being lead in worship. Also I would say 98% of that room was confused and weirded out by what was actually going on and then intent of the evening.

I tried to engage in worship, but the atmosphere was truly not conducive.

Worship is not always music either, it's you're lifestyle. You don't walk out of the 'worship service' and stop living/worshiping in spirit and in truth. I believe that verse is talking about the people God is seeking are those 24 hour worshipers. Get some coffee, wake up, and realize your calling. Each is uniquely different and still so much the same because the same spirit binds us all.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

video me

I'm trying this out.

Friday, March 6, 2009


*PUCH* I've always been better than you, you just don't under stand what I'm doing, that's why I'm the worlds smartest man. *AUUGGGGGGGHHHHH* *kicks and misses* *breathes hard* you're never going to get away with this, the world must know what evils you have been committing under that mask. *LAUGHS* *throws caped guy into the air* If you ever do tell the world...who is going to believe you.

That was the last 20 minutes of The Watchmen. Proof that superhero's/villains dialogue during their fights. If not for that the movie was pretty good. A little drawn out (then again when watching it at 2am anything seems drawn out). Great amounts of violence and gore. For that I was pleased. Seriously some of the sickest fight sequences in a movie of that kind.

Be forewarned, there is plenty of nudity and sex to go around in the movie, so it's not something you want to take the family to go see, or go to on date night.

Over all I would give this movie a 6 or 7 out of 10.

I got more excited for the Harry Potter, Star Trek and Transformer II previews though. Seriously who's with me on those?! JJ Abram's is going to kick but on Star Trek and hopefully revive the series. Yeah I'm a Trekkie nerd. You get geeked over stuff too.

Ok my post is actually over so I'm going to go back to work now.

PS I got my iPhone replaced yesterday because the vibrate/ring button fell off. I still love my phone, and now I have a new one. It's syncing my music and all of my contacts have already been restored. Thank you Apple, or making my phone experience so amazing.