intelligent, funny, sarcastic, is ok with not talking all of the time (just hanging out), cute, walks to her own beat (cookie cutter in her looks and personality is not good)
enjoys movies, traveling(anywhere and everywhere), music, concerts
likes/tolerates sci fi,can handle my eclectic music selections (don't worry I'm not going to force you to listen to hardcore) and can take sarcasm like there is no tomorrow.
oh, love Jesus but that's a given.
and be ok with me making no money working in a church
does that describe the perfect woman? nah.
It's a start.
There are days when it would be nice to have a relationship, and others where I'm glad I don't have to put forth the time or effort.
My perfect woman is out there, waiting for me, for the right time. I'm gonna wait for her.
There have been times where I've found someone I've total compatible with, but because of my inability to be subtle at crucial moments, I have ruined it.
I suck at relationships, and maybe I'm afraid of commitment. It sure as heck ain't about sewing my wild oats and being tied down to one person.
Today relationships take longer because there is more to do beyond family. People have more opportunities to see the world, work interesting places and seek out risky opportunities. If you're held back by a spouse you'll never know the 'what if' and so a lot of people put that part of the equation off for a while longer. I sure wouldn't have ended up in Texas very easily had I been married or in a relationship.
a story from yesterday.
I was walking to Japinero's (sushi) from my car and walked across this loading area. Some ladies in a car whipped it into the space and came inches from hitting me. They did it on purpose to scare the ever loving crap out of me. They waved me over to their window, if we hit you and you messed up your teeth we could have worked on your teeth. These ladies worked in a dental office. I was kind of pissed because...well I'm not sure why, this whole thing was super awkward, its funny now but at the moment it was not. I just kind of gave them a look and said, I've had enough oral surgery to last me a life time I don't want any more.
Then I walked away...someone was being mr. grumpy pants yesterday and that someone was me.
PS Hulu made Boxee.tv stop feeding their stream to their product so now other than spending money on itunes shows my appletv is a brick...thanks hulu for being nonsensical.